Bakrie Global’s current portfolio positions include:
Controlling shareholder of PT Visi Media Asia (VIVA), Indonesia’s fastest-growing publicly-listed integrated media and content creation company, with terrestrial TV distribution to over 170 million viewers, focusing on news and entertainment (tvOne) and lifestyle and sports (ANTV), and Indonesia’s number one Internet portal (www.viva.co.id) with a focus on news, business and sports.
Bakrie Global is well-positioned to expand its positions in strategic investment. As global investors look to growth prospects in Asia, particularly in Indonesia, there will be many opportunities for mutual gains. Peering over the horizon, Bakrie Global sees itself as an anchor investor that will tap opportunities in promising sectors and industries.
Bakrie Global is keen on forging long-term relationships with investment partners to create shared value. By building strong capital structure and mutually beneficial arrangements for upside participation, Bakrie Global shall unlock hidden value by capitalizing on its expertise and experience for investment partnerships.